Tuesday, July 6, 2010

First tomatoes and confused cucumbers

My tomato plants have gotten too big for their britches.  I learned a big lesson this year.  My tomato plants will need lots of support and more room next year.  I am starting to get ripe tomatoes now.  The yellow grapes are delicious.  The other ones are still just starting to get orange.

The cucumbers are doing great, but I just found these 2 hiding.  They had gotten tangled in their own vines and came out a little funky.  And the yellow zucchini parade continues. 

Today I will start prepping another area in our yard.  We have lemon trees that are on an eroding little hill.  We are going to use the landscaping ties from the garden to create a tiered retaining wall.  Then I will have a whole new area to plant.  I still haven't decided what will go in those little areas.  I would really like to have an herb garden, but herbs haven't worked so well for me.  It may end up being an area for flowers.  We'll see.  Here's the before picture.

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