Monday, July 19, 2010

The tomatoes have arrived!

This is today's harvest.  The tomatoes have officially arrived.  There are at least twice this many on the vines that are still orange and twice that many that are still green.
Even though there are tons of tomatoes, I am concerned that my tomato plants are in distress.  First, I forgot that I was watering the plants and left the water on for 2 hours.  That turned a couple plants yellow.  They seem to be recovering though.  Then we had a heat wave this week.  The plants definitely struggled through that.  The grape tomato plant is so huge that it is breaking and leaves are dying.  But it is still producing so many tomatoes that I'm just letting it do it's thing. Next year, I'll give the tomatoes much better supports.  Some of the Early Bird tomatoes are getting this weird gray patch on the bottom of the fruit (see below) and the Mountain variety has these weird translucent patches on lots of the fruit (see below).  I have no idea what either of those are from. 

I love having so much fresh stuff from the garden.  For dinner tonight we put some turkey burgers and yellow zucchini on the grill.  Then I chopped up some just picked tomatoes and a cucumber with some red onion and Italian parsley.  So fresh.  So yummy!

Oh, and here's the pumpkin update.  It's doing fantastic!
No new pumpkins yet, but this one looks pretty healthy.  I wonder how long I keep it on the vine now that it's turning orange?  I guess I have some research to do!

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