Thursday, July 22, 2010

Canning Tomatoes and much more!

Oh my goodness! Today I learned and did so much!  I made my first attempt at canning tomatoes and learned about a local CSA that I'm gonna try out, a farm that gives out free mushroom compost, and a local elementary school that has an organic garden to teach the kids how to grow and cook organic!

I made a video of my canning adventure today!  Enjoy!

After I finished, I read that I was supposed to use bottled lemon juice and not fresh because it has a more consistent pH value. But hopefully it isn't a problem.  I guess we'll find out if the tomatoes spoil in the jar.

I also froze some yellow zucchini today.  I'm pretty much sick of zucchini at this point.  I plan on freezing most of what grows from now on.

Tomorrow I will be making pickles!

I had a great time today.  I'm proud of myself for learning so many new things and excited about how easy and fun it is to make little changes towards living more sustainably.

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