Friday, July 23, 2010

Pickles...easy, but how will they taste?

Today I made pickles with a bunch of cucumbers that my friend gave me from her garden.  My cucumber plant only is producing about 2 cucumbers a week, so I doubt I will ever get enough to pickle my own cucumbers.

I followed the directions laid out in my Whole Living magazine but I'm a little anxious to find out how they are going to taste.  Before I started, I didn't even think about how many varieties of pickles there are.  I have no idea if the pickles I made are going to be sweet or dill.  I'm pretty sure they won't be any other variety since I didn't seek out a recipe.  The magazine says that the recipe is for Sour Pickles, but I used apple cider vinegar and the pickling spices smell very sweet.  We'll see.  It was fun and easy. 

Here's the video!

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