Sunday, June 27, 2010

Detox and Green Smoothies

This week I have decided to go raw in order to hit the reset button on my allergies.  Since Memorial Day weekend, my life has been super busy, stressful, hectic, and fun!  As a result, ever since then I have had hives.  We went camping and our routine went out the window from there.  I had four weekends in a row where I didn't have time to do my Sunday shopping and food prep for the week.  It got so bad that my hubby and I even ended up ordering pizzas for dinner a couple nights.

It is very easy to stay away from my most reactive allergies when I am only eating raw fruits and vegetables.  It gives my body a chance to calm and reset.  Summer is a great time to do this because the warm weather makes me crave fresh fruit and veggies anyways. 

This is the fourth time that I have gone raw.  The first time was 6 years ago.  I started with a 28 day cleanse and felt so good that I stayed raw for 9 months.  The second and third times lasted about 3 weeks each.  Each time I have scoured the internet looking for blogs and articles about the raw lifestyle seeking encouragement and support for the drastic change.  Each time I learn a little more about what works for people and what doesn't.  This time everywhere I searched people were talking about Green Smoothies.  I can't imagine that it's a new craze that I had never seen before in my years of learning about raw foods.  I guess this time I was just ready for the information.  Must be, because I LOVE my Green Smoothies!!!!

They are so refreshing and delicious!  Here is what I made this morning.  It's my favorite yet!

lemon (without rind)
frozen peaches
apple (without core)
slice ginger
spring mix

Ok I admit, it doesn't look so hot.  But YUM YUM!

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