Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pest control is now becoming a serious issue!

I knew when we started the garden that we had gophers.  But I didn't realize how much damage the bugs were gonna do!  This week I will be doing some serious research on organic pest control.  Also, I am combating a continual crop of mushrooms.  I believe the mushrooms arrived with the compost that we got at the landfill.  Not high quality to say the least.  But considering we had so much space to fill, we liked the idea that it was free!

These pictures show:  Radishes eaten by gophers, eggplant ravished by bugs, and mushrooms everywhere!

I actually planted extra radishes specifically for the gophers, so that's not so bad.  But I swear that the eggplant looked beautiful yesterday.  The basil that I mentioned in a previous post is starting to recuperate now that I've been spraying it with coffee and surrounding it with coffee grounds.  Hopefully the solution for the eggplant is just as easy!

On a good note:  My Early Bird tomatoes are doing fantastic! I think that the number of plants that I planted has made a big difference.  There is still evidence of pests, but it doesn't seem to matter because there are so many plants.  Maybe I'll try that with the next crop I plant to test my theory.

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