Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More veggies in the ground

My hubby has almost finished the 3rd garden box. I was able to plant in the half that is finished today. I mixed chicken manure, compost, and vegetable planting soil in with the soil. All organic. Then I planted 2 tomatillos, 3 zucchinis, 1 eggplant, 1 banana pepper, and 1 cucumber. I put them closer together than recommended but I hope it's not too much of a problem. I started to plant some lettuce I bought until I saw that it said partial to full shade. OOPS! No shade for this box at all. The lettuce will have to go in boxes on the patio.

It's really nice being out in the sun working with the plants. It makes me look forward to the long summer afternoons. I love looking out my kitchen window to see the progress. The 11 tomato plants I planted a few weeks ago are really taking off. I'm going to have to start guiding them through the cages soon.

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