Sunday, April 11, 2010

Faux Peanut Sauce YUMMMMM!

My husband and I have started creating weekly menus. It really helps with the grocery shopping and keeping us on track with healthy eating. Tonight we were supposed to have grilled chicken and roasted vegetables.

That's not a difficult meal but I felt like I needed something to make it a little more exciting. I wanted to put a sauce on it. But here was the problem...

Store bought sauces almost always contain corn or soy. (allergic to both)
We are currently cooking South Beach style. Good news, we hadn't had any treats today.

I thought a peanut sauce would be super yummy over the chicken but alas, peanuts are another allergy. Aha! I googled "How to make a peanut sauce using almond butter?" I found an awesome recipe and just tweeked it for what ingredients I had available.

In the Cuisanart: 1/4 cup water, 2 tbsp. almond butter, juice of a lime off our tree, 2 tsp. organic agave, a pinch of salt, and a pinch of cayenne.

Oh MY! It was fantastic. It made a nice thin sauce that I drizzled over each piece of chicken and saved the rest. A definite keeper and hubby thought so too!

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