Sunday, April 11, 2010

Digging, digging, and more digging!

Spring is here and I've been digging for 3 weeks now. It started with my need to revamp the tiered garden that was just begging for some love. I'm sure it was gorgeous and abundant for years with the original owner, but 5 years of renters before we bought the house in September have left it neglected and sad.

I don't have the first idea how to make this into the garden of my dreams. So I've been devouring organic gardening blogs, checking out books at the library, and getting the garden shed all straightened out.

Mostly, I've been digging. So far I have dug out enough room to make a 15 x 3 ft box and an 8 by 3 ft box. My ever-so-talented and patient husband has built beautiful boxes out of landscape timbers and I have filled them with a blend of the original soil and compost. The original soil looks really nice (as if I had any clue) so hopefully the compost will just liven it up a bit and the veggies will be happy.

In the long box, I planted 11 tomato plants and carrot seeds. In the other box I have crookneck squash, cucumber, lemon thyme, and Italian oregano.

Today is my last day of Spring Break. I will be digging all day to see if we can get one more garden box built.

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