Summer is in full effect and apparently it is too warm for the lettuce. My novice eyes were very impressed when I saw the lettuce burst up 2 feet high. But the leaves taste really bitter. I learned from a gardener at the County Fair that my lettuce has bolted. It's time to tear it down, chop it up, and throw it in the compost. Oh well, I got a couple good salads out of it. But look how beautiful it is!
The squash is amazing! Turns out I planted yellow zucchini. It tastes just like zucchini, only it's yellow. I have been putting zucchini in everything I can imagine. It grows so fast you can almost watch it grow before your eyes. I have to check it daily or else the fruit will get too big. The first pumpkin fruit has appeared. I'm fascinated by this. That means it will grow all summer and then be ready for harvest in the fall. Oh my! This might be one heck of a pumpkin. My sister told me that you can put a piece of wood underneath the fruit so that it doesn't sit on the wet soil. I'm gonna give it a try.
This is a gorgeous eggplant flower. The eggplant has started to bloom all over. I'm a little nervous that I planted it too close to the zucchini (which has turned into a monster plant). I LOVE eggplant so I can't wait to see what we get out of this plant.
Tomatoes: The tomato plants are enormous. The yellow grape tomato is literally 6 feet tall, but it's fallen because I didn't have it supported well enough. There are so many little green tomatoes. It's like watching water boil. I can't wait until they ripen!
I love that you are enjoying your garden! It's so fantastic. I can't wait for you to share your harvest. I'm sure Brad won't mind if you share the eggplant!!